Community is... photo (c) Marek Jancuch
For the first time in the history of modern Slovakia since the fall of socialism and the rise of capitalism, both regimes that did not favour communities much, we are witnessing the rise of lively groups and collectives that are laying the foundations for building new communities.
Many young people, professionals and enthusiasts are bringing home their experiences from abroad and actively contribute to the building of civil society in Slovakia. They are more and more engaged in the discussions about the urban development. There are many positive examples of such projects - Mestské zásahy, Aliancia Stará Tržnica, Dobrý trh or Nová Cvernovka - they all show us that communities have a power to actively transform public spaces or set the rules of public policies.
Be part of autumnal edition of unusual conference WhatCity? organized by well known team of female architects, landscape architects, urbanists, photographers, community managers and artists from Slovak based ngo Punkt.