Gender equality in Urban Design and Planning - networking and experience sharing evening
In Central Europe, the architectural and urban planning practice usually serves well those who are healthy and economically active. But when we consider demographics, working people only make up just over half of urban population. Senior citizens and young people under 18 years of age complete the whole picture. Trends also show that our population is ageing and when we add the filter of gender and ethnicity, the user groups significantly diverge. Each of them has different needs, but all of them should have the possibility to enjoy the public space.
How do we ensure a city that offers a fair-share to everyone?
We cordially invite you to the first networking and experience-sharing event organized by prominent Czech and international organizations raising awareness on the topics of gender equality, architecture and urban planning. How to Design a Fair-Shared City? What is gender mainstreaming? How can we use its principles to enhance the quality of architecture and urban planning, thus to increase the quality of life in our cities?
This event is intended for architects, urban planners, politicians, anthropologists and a wider public with an interest in gender aspects and sharing in urban design. It is organized as a part of Shared Cities: Creative Momentum (SCCM) – a European project on a mission to improve the quality of life in cities by exploring aspects of sharing and urban design. From 2016 to 2020 more than 150 activities take place in the framework of SCCM, encompassing festivals, films, exhibitions, artists’ residencies or case studies - showing urban citizens that their participation and cooperation is essential for creating a pleasant and valuable city environment.
- Welcome by Eva van de Rakt (director, Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Prag) and Jakob Racek (program director, Goethe-Institut)
- Publication launch: How to Design a Fair Shared City? Milota Sidorova (the main author of the publication, program coordinator of Shared Cities: Creative Momentum and director, co-founder, WPS Prague) and Zdenka Lammelova (co-author of the publication, program coordinator, Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Prag)
- How can we use gender mainstreaming to make urban design and planning more equitable and fair in Czech and Slovak Republic? Echoes to Vienna study trip: Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Planning organized by Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Prag and WPS Prague in October 2016. Moderated by Milota Sidorova
- Architecture in Education? How can gender sensitivity towards built environment be taught from early age? Kristyna Stara (co-founder Architekti ve Skole, co-founder WPS Prague, co-author of the publication How to Design a Fair Shared City?)
- Sneak-peek into upcoming Congress of Women 2017: Women and Public Space (Monika McGarrell Klimentova (public participation specialist, Institute of Planning and Development, Prague, co-founder, Congress of Women, Prague) and Marcela Linkova (director, NKC – Gender and Science, co-founder, Congress of Women)
- Drinks and networking
Date and Time: 9th May 2017 (Tuesday), 18:00-21:00
Place: Foyer2, Goethe-Institut, Masarykovo nabrezi 32/1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Language: Czech-Slovak
Free entry, registration needed:
Among the guests you will be able to meet are:
- Gabriela Kapralova (the main architect, owner of the studio ASGK, Prague)
- Livia Gazova, young and promising architecture journalist eTrend, Bratislava covering wide context of urban development including gender equality, PhD. candidate in Urban Sociology
- Tomas Cach (transportation urban planner with specialization on biketransport)
- Tereza Stockelova (sociologist, Sociologický ústav AV CR)
- Veronika Fajmonova (co-author of the publication How to Design a Fair Shared City?, co-founder WPS Prague, psychologist, researcher, Prague)
- Hana Tenglerova (Coordinator, Congress of Women, Prague)
and many others...
New tram stops designed to the needs of pedestrians, especially parents and kidsm foto (c) Tomas Cach
Co-organizers: WPS Prague, Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Prague, NKC-Gender and Science, Goethe-Institut, Congress of Women, Austrian Cultural Forum
The event is organized as a part of Shared Cities: Creative Momentum program.
Shared Cities: Creative Momentum (SCCM) is a European cultural platform addressing the contemporary urban challenges of European cities. SCCM is a joint project of Goethe-Institut (DE), Czech Centres (CZ), reSITE (CZ), Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (SK), Association of Belgrade Architects (RS), Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre – KÉK (HU), Katowice City of Gardens (PL), KUNSTrePUBLIK (DE), Mindspace (HU), Old Market Hall Alliance (SK), Res Publica – Cities Magazine (PL). Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.