City for all, city for pedestrians. Gender Mainstreaming in Mariahilfer district (c) Walk21 Vienna
Gender mainstreaming has been established and pushed into all dimensions of public life by European Union since mid 90's. Although the policy has been in practice for more than 20 years, we are still far from reaching gender equality and there is literally zero awareness about gender mainstreaming in architectural and urban planning practice in Central Europe.
Although numerous advancements have been reached by women's movements since velvet revolution, Czech Republic has been affected by negative views on feminism and gender equality and even today it is not easy to speak about gender in expert discussions.
Since 2015 there has been a growing debate on women in public spaces which for the first time opened the topic of gender sensitive urban planning in Prague. As the capital has been actively widening agenda of interdisciplinary and more inclusive urban planning past years, we feel the time has come now to professionally look upon urban planning from gender perspective.
The purpose of 3-day study trip to Vienna is to deepen and widen understanding of gender mainstreaming for selected top politicians, architects, urban planners and officials from Prague.
The trip should answers these questions:
● Why is gender sensitive planning important?
● How to pay attention to gender in daily activities in the city
● How to gather gender sensitive data?
● How we can implement them into the planning practice?
During the trip we should:
● Meet and establish connections with experts on gender sensitive planning and participation from The City of Vienna and independent practices
● Visit some of the projects built upon gender sensitive principle
● Discuss principles of gender sensitive urban planning and policies
● Build up and tighten network of gender sensitive practitioners in Vienna and Prague
Selected politicians, city councilors, architects, urban planners from Prague, Bratislava, Budapest
Lecturers and local experts:
Eva Kail, photo: Eva Kail archive (c)
Eva Kail (Urban Planner, Gender Expert, The City of Vienna)
Eva Kail holds a degree in spatial planning. In 1991, she became the first head of the City of Vienna’s Women Co-ordination Office. In 1998, she became the head of the Co-ordination Office for Planning and Construction Geared to the Requirements of Daily Life and the Specific Needs of Women, and since 2010 she has been a gender expert in the Urban Planning group – Executive Group for Construction and Technology. A leading European expert on gender planning, she has coordinated some 60 pilot projects in the areas of housing, transport, public space, urban development and social infrastructure.
Claudia Prinz-Brandenburg, photo: Claudia Prinz-Brandenburg archive (c)
Claudia Prinz-Brandenburg (Urban Planner, Gender Expert, The City of Vienna)
Claudia Prinz - Brandenburg holds a degree in landscape planning, after years of practice in a landscape planning office she works for the City of Vienna since 1997. In 1998 she became the coworker of Eva Kail in the „Co-ordination Office for Planning and Construction Geared to the Requirements of Daily Life and the Specific Needs of Women“. Since 2010 she is the Gender expert in the „Building Construction Group“ of the Executive Group for Construction and Technology in the City of Vienna. Her main fields of work are gender aspects in subsidized housing projects, public space including urban open space and parks as well as open space for schools and kindergartens.
Clarissa Knehs, photo: Clarissa Knehs archive (c)
Clarissa Knehs (Urban Planner, The City of Vienna)
Clarissa Knehs, degree in spatial planning 2011, working for the City of Vienna since 2012 in the Department Architecture and Urban Design Section-Design of Public Space. Coordination of larger and smaler design projects like Mariahilfer Straße, Wientalterrasse, but also coordination of the whole re-designing process from social space analysis to participation projects, evaluation and building. In charge of participation on urban streetscape redesign and implementiation of guidelines on cooperative planing. Expert contributor to the city's 10-year strategies for urban planning on the topic of open and public spaces Plan Vienna (STEP 2025)
Renate Kaufmann on the right, photo: Georg Hochmuth (c)
Renate Kaufmann (Former District Chairwoman, Vienna)
Renate Kaufmann is a politician and served as acting Chairwoman of the 6th district (Vienna Mariahilf) between 2001 and 2014. A former secondary-school teacher and a mother of two, she completed her education in computing systems. Since 1993, she has worked mainly as a politician. Kaufmann held various positions in the SPÖ Mariahilf before being elected Chairwoman of SPÖ Mariahilf and District-Deputy.
Franziska Ullmann (on the left), photo: Ullmann Architektur (c)
Franziska Ullmann (Architect, Vienna)
Franziska Ullmann graduated in Architecture from the Technical University in Vienna in 1975. Later, she started her practice with Prof. Schwanzer, Prof. Peichl, etc. In 1983, Ullmann founded her own office. Between 1985 and 1994, she taught a masterclass at the Academy of Applied Arts with Prof. Hollein. Since 1995, she has been a professor of spatial planning at the University of Stuttgart. Besides her minor alterations and additions, including the Gallery V & V (1984) and the Geburtshaus Nußdorf (1985-1987), both in Vienna, Ullmann executed a particularly successful example of the Einfamilienhaussektor. Ullmann was recognised for the design and master plan of the housing project Frauen-Werk-Stadt.
Hannah Posch (facilitator), photo: (c)
Hannah Posch (Founding Member, Shareholder and Director, PlanSinn, Vienna)
Hannah Posch studied landscape ecology and landscape planning at the BOKU Vienna. Later, she became an expert on moderation and accompanying processes in urban planning, mobility, urban development, gender issues, citizen participation and public space. She lectures at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences.
Sabina Riss, photo: Sabina Riss (c)
Sabina Riss (Architect and Researcher at the Technical University Vienna)
Sabina Riss is a versatile practitioner in architecture, curation, teaching and research, who is active and based in Vienna. She graduated in architecture from the Technical University in Vienna under Prof. William Alsop. She has worked for various architectural studios and urban planning offices in London (Alsop Architects, Grimshaw Architects, Building Design Partnership). She continued teaching at the Institute for Art and Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Further educated in architectural education, mediation and promotion (Architekturvermittlung) she was project leader of the Austrian Architecture Days 2012. Since she has been a teacher and researcher at the Technical University Vienna at the department of housing with her teaching focusing on gender issues. Research contains the topic of life-work balance among architects and her PhD examines female specific public housing projects in Austria in the 1990es.
Gabu Heindl, photo: Gabu Heindl (c)
Gabu Heindl (Architect, Urban Planner, Gabu Heindl Architects, Vienna)
Gabu Heindl is an architect and urban planner in Vienna and head of GABU Heindl Architektur, an interdisciplinary studio specialised in public interventions, cultural and social buildings, urban research and urban planning. Gabu Heindl’s work has been exhibited at DAM Frankfurt, the Deutsche Hygiene Museum, the Hong Kong and Shenzhen Biennale for Art and Architecture 2009/2010, Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York, and elsewhere. Based on her belief in the importance of public discourse on issues of architecture and urbanism, Gabu Heindl has curated exhibitions, lectures and symposia on various aspects of the politics of planning. She has taught at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the University of Technology Graz and the University of Technology Delft, and has lectured as an invited guest or critic at many other institutions. Gabu Heindl is the author of publications in international architectural journals (JAE, Umbau, GAM, dérivea.o.), the guest editor of the “Just Architecture” issue of ERA21 (January 2012), the editor of ArbeitZeitRaum. Bilder and Bauten der Arbeitim Postfordismus (turia+kant, 2008), and a co-editor of position alltag – architecture in the context of everyday life (HDA Verlag, 2009).
Ernst Gruber, photo: David Vereš (c)
Ernst Gruber (Architect, Social Housing and Co-Housing Expert, Researcher, Vienna)
Ernst Gruber graduated in Architecture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, and spent his Bachelor studies at the University of Kent, Canterbury, England. His educational background extends into psychology and graphic and communication design. From 2006, he practised at various studios in Barcelona and Vienna, before establishing is own research-based practice with a focus on co-housing development models. He was a contributing editor for ARCH + magazine for architecture and urban design (Berlin) and has taken part in various exhibitions. Since 2015, he has been an active father architect who is very sensitive to gender issues in his profession.
Anna Bondar (Head of Landscape Section, Department of Architecture and City Planning, Kyiv)
Anna Bondar heads the landscape section in the Department of Architecture and City Planning at Kyiv City State Administration, Kyiv, Ukraine. Anna has held key positions in Kyiv City State Administration’s structures since 2011, and previously worked as an architect and as an architecture and art critic. For more than 15 years, she has organized and curated various architectural competitions, exhibitions, project seminars and other events significant to the professional and cultural life of Ukraine. Anna holds master’s degrees in architecture and art history.
Valentyna Antonenko (Deputy Director, Department of Architecture and City Planning, Kyiv)
Valentyna Antonenko is Deputy Director of the Department of Architecture and City Planning of Kyiv City State Administration and the Head of the Service of City Cadastre, Kyiv, Ukraine. Her main task is to implement national policy in the sphere of urban planning, ensuring compliance with urban planning laws, national construction norms, standards, and the rules of the urban planning cadastre.
Lenka Burgerová (Architect, Councillor MD Prague 7, Prague)
Lenka Burgerová is an architect and currently councillor for Development of Urban Planning, Architecture and Public Space in the Prague 7 municipal district. She is also an assistant professor at the Czech Technical University’s Faculty of Architecture. Lenka completed her master’s degree in architecture and urbanism at Brno University of Technology’s Faculty of Architecture, and her PhD at the Institute of Economic and Social History in Charles University’s Faculty of Arts. Lenka is a member of the Working Group for Education at the Czech Chamber of Architects, and is currently working on several non-profit projects promoting architectural heritage.
Eva Červinková (Architect, Institute of Planning and Development, Prague)
Eva Čěrvinková graduated from the Czech Technical University’s Faculty of Architecture, as well as from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. She was a fellow at Gray’s School of Art and Architecture in Aberdeen, Scotland, and at Egon Schiele Art Centrum in Český Krumlov. During her professional career, Eva has worked for or cooperated with various architectural studios in the Czech Republic, Germany and the United States. She lectures in the Industrial Design Department at the Czech Technical University’s Faculty of Architecture, and since 2014 she has worked in the Office of the Metropolitan Plan at the Prague Institute of Planning and Development.
Veronika Fajmonová (Psychologist, Researcher, VSE, Prague, WPS Prague, Prague)
Veronika Fajmonová is currently finishing her PhD at the University of Economics, Prague, on the perception of terrorism and our reaction to this phenomenon from a psychological point of view. Previously, she studied psychology at Palacký University in Olomouc and international relations at the University of Economics, Prague. Veronika also works as an analyst in the Office of the President of the Czech Republic, and in 2013-2014 was a visiting researcher at Columbia University. From 2010 to 2013, Veronika worked as a researcher at the National Institute for Education in Prague, where she was a member of the Diagnostic Methods for Children and Pupils with Special Educational Needs project team. Veronika is also interested in gender issues; in her master’s thesis, she conducted research on dual-career marriages. She loves to travel, dance, read books and talk to people.
Lívia Gažová (Architect, Freelance Journalist, Brno, Bratislava)
After studying architecture at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and living as an exchange student in Athens and Helsinki, Lívia continued her studies at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. In 2016, she completed a master’s program in urban studies with a focus on the representation of Western urbanism in the Czechoslovak architectural press. Currently, Lívia is a doctoral candidate in urban sociology at Masaryk University in Brno. In her research, she focuses on the relationship between urban planning and mass media, and the processes related to the promotion of urban design. Lívia frequently publishes in magazines and writes critical blogs. In addition to being a part-time journalist, Lívia works with local NGOs to organize public events linked to architecture.
Petr Hýl (Architect, Committee Member Brno-Židenice)
Petr Hýl graduated from Brno University of Technology’s Faculty of Architecture of in 2009. Since that time, he has participated in projects of almost all scales, including ones relating to public space (e.g. the humanization of housing complexes, land use studies, revitalizations of village centres, the reconstruction of a square with a bus terminal, and participation in city planning competitions in Cheb, Kromeříž and Brno). Since 2013, Petr has been trying to influence the appearance of public spaces in Brno with the aim of introducing principles of sustainable mobility and making them more human-scaled. These efforts involve communicating with local politicians, objecting to the updating process for Brno’s city plan, cooperating with civic associations, city planning education (collaboration on making a “city planning manual” for politicians) and publishing in Smart Cities magazine. In 2014 and 2015, Petr was an independent member of the municipal government in the Brno-Židenice district for the Green Party, and since 2014 he has been a member of the Brno-Židenice council’s commission for environment, urban planning and transport.
Jakub Kutílek (Transportation Expert, Green Party Member, Brno)
Jakub Kutílek is a transport expert in Brno’s central Brno-strě d district. Jakub studied civil engineering at Brno University of Technology, and since 2009 has been a member of the City on Bike association. He joined the Green Party in 2013.
Halka Jaklová (PR Manager, Forum 50 %, Prague)
Halka Jaklová completed her master’s degree at Charles University’s Faculty of Law. Apart from three years practising law, Halka has spent most of her professional life working in non- governmental organizations, usually as a project manager or expert. Her main areas of interest are the rights of various disadvantaged groups, such as refugees, minorities, single parents and women. Since January 2011, she has worked as deputy director of Fórum 50 %, a public benefit organization focusing on equal participation of women and men in public life. In addition, she is chairwoman of the board of directors at Aperio – Healthy Parenting Association.
Tereza Kafková (Urban Planner, The City of Jihlava)
Tereza Kafková works for the City of Jihlava as Manager for Public Space Revitalization, where she explores ways to make public space in Jihlava more useful, liveable and enjoyable. Tereza’s work also involves advocating for quality public space and its value for the city, and her main long-term task in this role is to organize a design competition to revitalize Jihlava’s main square. In order to provide the best possible information for competitors, Tereza’s team plans to analyze the cur- rent state of the square including its users, their habits and needs. They are also optimizing public space for cultural activities, working on a design for high-quality public toilets, and defining public space requirements for new building projects. Professionally, Tereza is an architect. She graduated from the Czech Technical University’s Faculty of Architecture with a focus on urban design and architecture. During her studies, she spent one semester at Kansas State University, USA, where she studied metropolitan planning and city landscaping.
Zuzana Kuldová (Architect, Institute of Planning and Development, Prague)
Zuzana Kuldová graduated from the Czech Technical University’s Faculty of Architecture in 2010. Zuzana gained international experience as an exchange student and intern in the Netherlands, and has worked as an architect and urban designer at Bekkering Adams Architecten in Rotterdam as well as MOBA studio in Prague, where she won several competition awards. Currently, Zuzana aims to improve Prague’s public spaces through her work at the Urban Design Section of the Prague Institute of Planning and Development (IPR Praha). She has worked on various projects including the revitalization of Vinohradská Street, and she is a co-author of the Prague Public Space Design Manual. Zuzana also lectures in urban design at the Architectural Institute in Prague (ARCHIP).
Hana Matoušová (Councillor, Prague 8)
Hana Matoušová is an elected city councillor in Prague 8 and a member of this district’s Urban Development Commission. Before entering politics, Hana was an activist in the anti- smog movement. She supports making Prague disabled-accessible and bicycle-friendly.
Judit Rab (Architect, Urbanist, Consultant, Lechner Knowledge Centre, Budapest)
Judir Rab is an architect, urbanist, mother and wife. She works as an architect, now with a focus on town planning and development. She is writing her thesis on rehabilitation of prefabricated housing estates with an emphasis on their spatial settings and connections to naturally developed city structures. Judit also teaches urban planning and pubic space design as a guest lecturer and consultant in the Department of Urban Design at Budapest University of Technology’s Faculty of Architecture, where she has participated in many research projects on public spaces. Currently, Judit works at Lechner Knowledge Centre, a professional background institution of the Prime Minister’s Office, in the areas of architecture, informatics, and regional and town planning. She works in the smart city division, which is developing the central mode for smart city developments in Hungarian cities.
Petra Saidlová (Architect, Department of the Chief Architect, Pardubice)
Petra Saidlová works for the City of Pardubice as an assistant for spatial planning in the Department of the Chief Architect. She is also a doctoral student and teaches urban planning at the University of Pardubice. Petra is interested in the economic performance of different types of urban structures, particularly with regard to the maintenance of public spaces and infrastructure. In 2015, she graduated from University of Pardubice with a focus on regional development and urban planning. During her studies, Petra completed a work placement stay with Worldview Impact Foundation in London.
Nikoletta Sebestyén (Human rights activist, Local Politician, Budapest)
Nikoletta Sebestyén is a human rights activist in Ózd, Hungary, and a local politician with Dialogue for Hungary (PM), a green liberal political party. She is a member of the working group on city development, local initiatives and politics in Dialogue for Hungary. Nikoletta graduated in political science and has worked in academic research and European public administration in Prague and Brussels. She is Secretary to the Presidential Board of Dialogue for Hungary.
Daniela Schuchmannová (Architect, Tomas Cechvala Architect, Program manager, Women Architects, Bratislava)
Daniela Schuchmannová currently works on interior design for large office spaces, public buildings and sport facilities at Tomas Cechvala Architects, a small architecture design studio. Daniela received her master’s degree in urban planning from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, during which she spent a year in Brussels, Belgium, at the University of Leuven’s Faculty of Architecture specializing in urban projects and urban cultures. Daniela’s most notable extracurricular activities involve participation in the “Walkability as a Performance Indicator for Urban Spaces” research program in Brussels (2013), participation in the RE/ Public Workshop in Istanbul with a focus on public space remaking (2014), completion of a beginner Space Syntax course as part of the Perfect Space project at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, and participation in the organization of the Public Spaces Bratislava conference (2014 and 2015) – Bratislava’s first international conference on public spaces.
Hana Tenglerová (Program Manager, Kongrez Žen, National Conctact Centre for Gender & Science, Prague)
Hana Tenglerová is a policy analyst, consultant and gender expert. She graduated in gender studies from the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague, and in public and social policy from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague. Hana works at the National Contact Centre for Gender & Science, a department of the Czech Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Sociology. She is involved in organizing the Czech Women’s Congress 2017, which will be devoted to gender equality in public space.
Program prepared by:
Eva Kail (Urban Planner, Gender Expert, The City of Vienna)
Eva Kail has a degree in spatial planning. In 1991, she became the first head of the City of Vienna’s Women’s Department. In 1998, she became the Head of the Co-ordination Office for Planning and Construction Geared to the Requirements of Daily Life and the Specific Needs of Women. Since 2010, Eva has been a gender expert in the Urban Planning Group – Executive Group for Construction and Technology. As a leading expert on gender planning in Europe, she has coordinated some 60 pilot projects in the areas of housing, transport, public space, urban development and social infrastructure.
Zdeňka Lammelová (Program Manager, Henrich Boll Stiftung, Prague)
Zdeňka Lammelová completed her studies in the Faculty of Humanities at the Charles University in Prague with a focus on sociology. She also holds an international master’s degree in European Studies (Euroculture) from Palacký University in Olomouc and Deusto University in San Sebastian, Spain. After her studies, she worked at the Czech Centres and later at the Arts and Theatre Institute in Prague, where she managed projects in the areas of arts and culture. Since 2010, she has been working as program coordinator of the Democracy program at the Prague Office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. She is interested in pro-active political education, change agency and innovation processes in public space in its broader sense. Recently, her focus has been directed towards sustainable urban development. With her passion for interdisciplinary approaches, she develops and executes projects that aim to foster exchange and debate among various actors in order to make cities better places to live. She believes that diversity and creativity are important aspects of democratic society.
Milota Sidorová (Independent Professional in Urban Planning, Co-founder, WPS Prague)
Milota Sidorová is a professional focusing on interdisciplinary aspects of city and urban planning. She has studied landscape architecture, urban planning, graphic design, film production, urbanism, methods of social research and human resource management at various schools around Europe, Asia and America. She is a founding member of an international festival about urban planning – the reSITE festival – and served as its coordinator between 2011 and 2015. In 2013, she was one of the founding members of Ladime Prahu, an association of Prague festivals focusing on public space. In 2013, Milota was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study urbanism in New York City, and in 2014 she completed her doctoral studies in landscape architecture with a dissertation titled “Catalytic impacts of markets on public spaces”. Since 2012, Milota has been investigating actors in the non- governmental sector engaged with public space in Bratislava and Prague. In 2015, she co- founded the Women. Public Space. Prague initiative – a network promoting active women in architecture, urban planning and the development of community life. Milota also lectures at various universities and institutions across Central Europe. She cherishes interdisciplinary research, which she likes to combine with the execution of projects. Her focus often emphasizes communication, facilitation, coordination, the role of culture in urban development and sector blending, with a particular interest in empowering the non- governmental sector, civic initiatives and individuals in the area of urban development.
Iuliia Popova (Program Coordinator, Heinrich Boll Stiftung, Kyiv)
Iuliia Popova is a programme coordinator at Heinrich Böll Foundation Regional Office in Kyiv. She curates the “Participatory urban development” and “Critical history” areas.
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague, WPS Prague
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